Are you burned out from all of the mindset work that's not actually getting you results? 

Truth is, mindset work is not enough...


The secret to lasting change is learning to self-regulate and emotionally stabilize your mind and body. 

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Self Healing Masters is the best money I'll ever spend.



when nothing else has?

  • You've read a pile of self-help books

  • Taken a dozen courses

  • And maybe even worked with a coach

Made a little progress, only to tumble backward when a major stressor hit. 

The worst part is, you've probably invested a TON of money and time into healing and coaching, but haven't gotten the results you expected. 

...and you're starting to lose faith in yourself. 

What if you could fully INTEGRATE and EMBODY belief in yourself to create lasting changes? 


Become the version of yourself that aligns with who you ARE - the version of you who can go after her full potential? 

Be 100% confident you can handle any mental or emotional issue that arises because your internal world is UNSHAKABLE?

Improve your health, wealth, and relationships and be the example for your friends, family, and community?

You're doing everything right. 

So why aren't you getting results?

Are you feeling stressed and anxious?

The noise of the world filters into our minds, and then we feel anxious and stressed and can't shut off the thinking. 

It's exhausting!

But what if I told you YOU CAN END THE CYCLE?

It starts with one simple practice:  Integrative MindBody Meditation.

My unique style of meditation gives you power to regulate your nervous system

so you can have less stress and anxiety, improved mood, and better concentration and focus.

Take control of your mental and emotional well-being by implementing the Self-Healing Meditation today.

Download the Self-Healing Meditation

Enter your email below and I'll send you my integrative guided meditation to your inbox.

*Check your spam/junk/promotions folder


This is the problem so many coaches have because the coaching industry focuses mainly on mindset.  The issue with mindset is that healing requires more than thought work and positive affirmations.  You can change your thoughts a million times but not changing your unconscious perception and aligning your nervous system as well is why you don't get long term results. 


Through MindBody INTEGRATION.


Real healing requires MORE THAN MINDSET. 

If something isn't working in your life or business, it's because something isn't working in YOU. 

In Self Healing Masters, we do the practical work to change your reality. 

We identify what's holding you back, dismantle and reframe it, then move forward in possibility and belief.  

Identify - Resolve - Reinvent

Self Healing Masters is currently closed! Join the waitlist to get first access when it reopens!



Kim Guillory

Head Coach and Founder of Self Healing Masters

I've done it all: Massage Therapist, Hypnotherapist, Yoga and Meditation Teacher, Life Coach, Health Coach and years of trauma recovery, mindbody integration, somatic embodiment work.

I've taken it all and created a simple but powerful approach to personal freedom, whole body wellness and business growth you won't find anywhere else. 

My clients learn how to embody their full potential and TOTAL WELLBEING so they are empowered and equipped to help others. Are you ready to put my experience and expertise to work for you?


Monique Derouen

Integrative MindBody Coach in Self Healing Masters

For over 20 years, I suffered through an extensive chronic pain journey that led me here to help Self Healing Masters members. When I found Kim and The PUNCH-LINE Approach , I knew it was the missing piece to the pain puzzle I had been living in. 

Not only have I conquered pain & anxiety, lost over 40 pounds, created my dream life, moved across the country to manifest my home, healed relationships, and earned 6 figures a year, I have also helped hundreds of clients do the same using this Integrative Approach to self healing.  Alongside Kim, I'll help you, too. 


Katelyn Sonnier

Ayurveda Specialist, Integrative Nutritionist, Yoga Instructor & Mentor in Self Healing Masters

I suffered, I struggled, I battled chronic illness at a very young age and was diagnosed with multiple diseases and diagnoses that I was not willing to accept. I tried it all: the diets, the remedies, the prescriptions, the tests. It wasn’t until I discovered the ancient healing power of Ayurveda that my body began to heal from the inside out. It has become an invaluable part of my life that I have tried on and studied for the past 15 years.

During my time here in the Self Healing Masters community, it has become more and more evident that all aspects of life are interconnected - your beliefs are not separate from your physical health.

As an Ayurveda Specialist and Integrative Nutritionist, my vision is to join Eastern and Western philosophies and techniques to make a holistic approach to health and wellbeing accessible for all. I have helped hundreds of people heal by using this integrative method to understanding and healing the body - and now I'll help you, too.


A private online coaching community for individuals who want to improve their inner world, so they can finally make changes stick in their outer world.

3 Keys to Your Transformation

🔑 Online Course

  • Manage Your Mind: Know exactly HOW to change thoughts, habits and behaviors.

  • Manage Your Moods: Know how to process and stabilize your emotions. 

  • Manage Your Magic: Identify your unique gift to fulfil your passion and purpose.

  • Manage Your Money: Know how to consciously create financial stability.

  • BONUS Courses as they are created

🔑 Live Coaching

  • Integrate Mental, Spiritual, Emotional, and Physical Health: coaching that approaches you as a whole being. 

  • Proven Coaching Process: you're guaranteed to transform when you do this work. 

  • Learn from multiple coaches trained in the Integrative Approach: work with a coach you connect with. 

🔑 Community

  • Online community: access anywhere in the world.

  • Likeminded people: you'll never feel alone in your transformation with a group who is doing the work with you and gets it.  

  • 24-hour access: request coaching and support in the moment, when you need it most. 

You didn't think that was all, did you?

BONUS 1: Additional Community Calls

($350 value)

Dive into various community trainings including the mystery of Human Design and Gene Keys! Learn to understand yourself on a deeper level so you can embrace your uniqueness!

BONUS 2: Courses In Health, Wealth, And Relationships

($297 value each)

Consider this opportunity to next level growth and personal evolution. We are always expanding and exploring so this caters to the lifelong learners, spiritual seekers and entrepreneurs. 

BONUS 3: Meditation Library

($300 value)

Consider this your next-level secret to success and personal transformation through a simple and unique practice of meditation. Soothe your mind and your nervous system with the most practical meditation practice available!  


I know you’ve probably invested in dozens of courses, books, coaches, and programs... and you’re STILL not where you want to be in terms of your personal and business goals. 

The problem is that most of the personal growth courses and business coaching don't take you through the whole experience. That's what you get here, the integration and embodiment of being you!!

I’ve created Self Healing Masters based on 25 years of experience working with individuals who've had to overcome emotional trauma and hard times. And I know what it takes to get your growth off the ground and stabilized... all in a way that FEELS right for you. 

My mission is to get this work in as many hands as possible. I integrate Human Design and Gene Keys as holistic tools of self discovery to guide you back to yourself. 

We are here to LIVE this lifetime as ourselves, not to settle for what we've been told or taught. 

Self Healing Masters is only $990 a year OR $99 per month.

Self Healing Masters is currently closed! Join the waitlist to get first access when it reopens!

$990 a year to continue to grow at your own pace. You can cancel at any time if you aren't satisfied.

Evolve and thrive in a safe and loving environment. 

Here's what current SELF HEALING MASTERS are saying...

"life-changing, supportive, safe, validation, informative, free, nurturing, awareness"

You’ve probably wasted your time and money on resources that didn’t get you any closer to where you want to be. Been there.

I know Self Healing Masters works because it worked for me, and more importantly, it has worked for 100s of my clients. And I’m confident it will work for you too.

But I’ll make you a deal.

If you’re not happy with your purchase, email me within 14 days of purchase, and I’ll give you 100% of your money back.

No run-arounds. No strings attached.

Self Healing Masters is perfect for you if...

  • You've tried mindset work, healing, and coaching but haven't gotten the results. 

  • You know there's work left to do on yourself, but you don't know exactly what is missing. 

  • You want access to all of the inner tools that will allow you to confidently handle any stressful situation and become the person you're meant to be. 

Now, You Have A Choice to Make...

Keep trying to figure this out on your own, keep getting the same results you have now that have left you feeling defeated, unfulfilled, sick and tired. 


Become a Self Healing Master  where you'll thrive as you heal the parts of you that contribute to your problems along with the loving community of others doing the work with you.

Frequently Questions Asked

Can I participate in Self Healing Masters if I have no prior experience with self-healing techniques?

Yes, Self Healing Masters is designed to cater to individuals of all skill levels. The program provides comprehensive training and guidance for individuals who are new to self-healing techniques.

How much time commitment is required to fully participate in Self Healing Masters?

The time commitment required for Self Healing Masters varies depending on the individual's pace and schedule. However, the program is designed to be flexible and accessible, so members can participate in the program at their own pace.

What kind of support and guidance will I receive as a member of Self Healing Masters?

As a member of Self Healing Masters, you will receive personalized support and guidance from experienced instructors and mentors. The program offers various resources such as video tutorials, live webinars, and group coaching sessions to help you achieve your self-healing goals. You can optionally upgrade to private coaching with a mentor in the community.

​What makes Self Healing Masters different from other self-healing programs available online?

Self Healing Masters stands out from other self-healing programs because it integrates self-healing across all aspects of the person: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. The program also provides personalized guidance and support to help members achieve their self-healing goals

​Will I have access to the program content indefinitely or is there a set duration for the program?

As a member of Self Healing Masters, you will have access to the program content as long as you remain a member. 

I'm on a mission to ensure my 12 grandkids and every person across the world

has access to the tools of transformation and self healing. 

You want to join us in Self Healing Masters...

Because you're done settling for others' expectations.

You're ready to fully embrace yourself and your life.

You're ready for Self Healing Masters. 

Self Healing Masters is currently closed! Join the waitlist to get first access when it reopens!

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